It can be done..

I gained 15 lbs after a 50-60 pounds weight lost. I am starting this blog to share with everyone how I managed to loose the 60 and how I intend to loose the 18 -I regained . This blog chronicles my journey , failures and successes to a healthier me.

Please consult a Doctor/Physician before undertaking any weight reduction regimen or diet.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

5:2 Diet Week 9 My Birthday Week. OH NO!!!

My week 9 shouldn't count HAHA It's my birthday week. But hold on, I wasn't that bad. I did my usual 2 day fast but then I calculated my calorie total for the week and it would have been a wash. So I did a 3rd fast before my birthday party which happens to fall on my feed day. Although I didn't go crazy, I know I went over my 2100 cal allowance for the day. With Seafood Paella, Champagne and Red wine. Hello?

As I have allowed myself to indulge in sugary treats for the past weeks my final day with these evil sweetness is closing by. I still have a few birthday invitations and after that I limit my dessert once a month. I SWEAR to myself. This I believe and I know will get me over this PLATEAU and go beyond to that wonderful world of 170's !! I have been in the 80's for far too long.

It is coming together I feel. I will still do my 5:2, will continue my being Pescatarian, BUT will also go on a hi fiber, low carb with fish and vegetable.( getting rid of white carbs, more veggies and whole grain carbs) and one day of sweet indulgence every 4 weeks. YAY

Will give this a good try, a very good try.

Here are some photos from my Birthday bash. Hosted by dear friend Donnel Vicente:

Beautiful Tablescape by Donnel Vicente

Freddie Angeles, friend of 43 years

Connie Oakson

Sophie Rivera

Dear friend and host, Donnel Vicente. Landscape artist , one of the best..

My famous lines!! Thank you Brenda, you know me so well

I know !! haha

I try always!!

Aww my mijo Rene and GF the lovely Sophie


Yes, I'm outing myself 60 it is YAY!!! feeling not a day older than 40!!
I love this quote!!
60 isn't old if your were a TREE !! hahaha

Connie and Cheryl Flowers brought us together 15 years ago.


Susan Strongma and Yes, that's me at 60!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Today I am drinking my meals.. My day started with a Pithivier and one serving of St. Honore I shared with a friend on a San Francisco day visit and it just went downhill from there, at the bottom of the hill was 1000 plus over my daily allowance. Oh Crap!! Then I added my weekly calorie and If I ate normal today I would almost be at 14000 and will completely erase my two day fast. SO I will do a 3rd fast before my week is Oh -vuh!!. Like I said it's all about reducing weekly calorie intake. Later...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

5:2 Diet Week 8 2nd day Fast- Vegetable seafood Saute Recipe

Things are good. Been keeping my calories well below 2000 on my feed days. Lying low on the sugary treats and life is good.

I thought I would share this recipe which really helps me on my fast day
2 cups is so filling and satisfying. With the help of the calorie counter I weight and log (above) each and very item on this dish.

I start out with a spray of olive  spray. On low heat I add the chopped up garlic and onion. Stir till soft then I add half a cup of seafood broth then I add all the ingredients stir and cover till cooked. Al Dente.

So yummy Enjoy..

Serves  people
Generic - Shitake Mushrooms, Fresh, 84 g (1 cup whole)1890341Ico_delete
Generic Raw Broccoli - Brocolli, 182 g - full brocolli62301191Ico_delete
Carrots - Baby, raw, 84 g29701662Ico_delete
Celery - Raw, 187 g266011503Ico_delete
Generic - 21-30 Count Shrimp, 13 Shrimp14302301,0400Ico_delete
Cauliflower - Cooked, boiled, drained, without salt, 320 g741316489Ico_delete
Onions - Raw, 1 cup, chopped67160152Ico_delete
Garlic - Raw, 4 clove1840120Ico_delete
Tomatoes - Grape Tomatoes, 0.3 Cup820021Ico_delete
Spinach - Cooked, boiled, drained, with salt, 1 cup417055514Ico_delete
Mung beans - Mature seeds, sprouted, raw, 1 cup3160362Ico_delete
Vegetable - Red Bell Pepper, 1 pepper3080102Ico_delete
Kitchen Basics - Seafood Cooking Stock, 1 cup100024800Ico_delete
Add Ingredient      
Per Serving:8012083394