Obviously , this is not an easy undertaking for me and I know very many can relate. But this is real life and I would like to be as honest and bare to hopefully gain credibility in sharing my story. .I know that there will be slip ups like this, the thing is not to get disheartened and give up but get back on track, start over with renewed vigor!!
As I await for tomorrow's challenge, (it is a daily struggle) I went online in the hope that I could educate myself more on ways in pursuing this in a healthier manner, focusing on caloric value but not just entirely.Adding another angle to this journey.
Reading my earlier posts, I said, not to be afraid of Carbs even sugar .. WRONG , especially refined sugar, please allow me to correct myself. Starting over, I will try and avoid refined sugar, (bye bye ,peach rings and gummy bears) and alcohol, bye for now , cranberry vodka martini. bacon and meatballs as well.instead replace my protein with chicken and fish..
Alcohol is definitely my trigger when I get happy after two martinis, I get loose and care-free , inhibitions, will, go out the window then I begin to attack the refrigerator. WHO else does this. I will bet a finger I am not alone on this one.
So, again avoid : a) Alcohol b) Processed food , i will limit it to once week , then two , three then a month till I get use to not having them at all. FRESH is always good. c) Simple carbs, like refined sugar, OMG... but it's okay. For now that should be good as I don't want to take on so much and set myself up again for failure.
My friend had introduced me to "COSWAY" a membership retail Establishment and found this product , Wholefood Nutrition that replaces the "protein drink" with 'supreme blend of raw "living whole foods according to the saeng shik philisophy, an ancient korean diet that promotes longevity.
145 calorie per serving- 1 packet
Below are some links I have visited and learned from I feel is worthy of sharing .few may be a bit extreme but read it keep the info you feel is practical and sensible to you.
Food additives you should know and avoid
Color food additives codes and diseases and their potential danger
Simple and Complex carbs
Well I hope this helps, in the meantime, I shall regroup and start over. good night , wish me well,
"Thank you.. Same to you too" :-)