It can be done..

I gained 15 lbs after a 50-60 pounds weight lost. I am starting this blog to share with everyone how I managed to loose the 60 and how I intend to loose the 18 -I regained . This blog chronicles my journey , failures and successes to a healthier me.

Please consult a Doctor/Physician before undertaking any weight reduction regimen or diet.

Friday, October 21, 2011


This blog is dedicated to my journey from size 44" waistline at 237 lbs to 34 at 178 lbs. me standing at 5'9" tall.

My first memory of wanting to loose weight was in high school 2nd year specifically. Probably that was when I started to notice the difference between my body and the other boys in school ( I went to an all boys High School) and since then I had began the never ending diet's short successes and pound adding failures.

Buh - live me I have tried EVERYTHING. I lost a total of 60 lbs with Hi protein diet, but gained it all back, plus a few more as rapidly as I lost it, starvation, drugs, (the time when diet drugs were legal and available over the counter.  I mean, I remember my brother-in-law Frank V giving me a whole  sample flat of different bi-phetamines capsules,  but then again same bad bad results to sum it up see-saw..lost gain.. The story of my life for the next 35 years with the on-off  of the hi-protien diets.

2 years back, at an age when it is harder to loose weight as I did back in high school, I have come to be not afraid of carbohydrates ,even sugars, have elimninated completely Cola's diet and regular, but  rather more believing in a healthy well balanced diet, exercise and lots of water, 8 - 10 glasses or more (depends on your dialy activities) a day. Whatever you eat and do not  use/burn you store in your body as FAT. Simple as that. You really have to understand and believe this process and bodily funciton...

As much as you may complain and listen to what  commercially motivated, easy no exercise, faddish  diet gurus, gadgets pushers would say that this particular  method is cumbersome and hard to follow (which I believed for the longest time) CALORIE COUNTING is not that bad.  One can be an expert or get use to it quite easily, It really does make you aware of what you put in your mouth. the saying  "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT " couldn't  be more true.After I started my calorie counting I realized how I gained and became so obese before. And there are gadgets to assist you with this process.

So here I am , I recently lost 50 lbs achieved through watching my food intake and exercise which  I have maintained for  almost a year and a half. But, as it is not a perfect world, I  have gained 15 -20 lbs back, but not feeling defeated when you do then you will be.

I decided to start this blog so that I may share (loosing the 15-20 lbs) with others with the hope that by sharing, could motivate me to be serious and focus as I MAY have an audience that I will have answer to.

In this blog I will share what I eat with photos , sources and recipes , my exercise regime. my failures (hope not) and my successes (cross fingers)  kidding but yes, I will (as Gloria G would  say it, i guess that's a little dated ) "I will survive "and succeed!!.

Here are a few photos I found of my before and After through the years...

1998 at 239 lbs

2005 at 225 lbs

                                                                   2007 at almost 240 lbs

                                                                         2008 at 2010 lbs

                                                                        2011 at 178 lbs

                                                                     2011 at 280

2010 - 175 lbs

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