It can be done..

I gained 15 lbs after a 50-60 pounds weight lost. I am starting this blog to share with everyone how I managed to loose the 60 and how I intend to loose the 18 -I regained . This blog chronicles my journey , failures and successes to a healthier me.

Please consult a Doctor/Physician before undertaking any weight reduction regimen or diet.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Okay I have been actually very good, didn't even  have a martini last night and BTW I forgot to log that I w/r (walk/run) 1.5 miles and burned off 127 calories, not much but something . Just to show you that calories once in your body can be very hard to get rid of.

So far at 5 PM I have consumed 1,096 calories. According to my app. a goal to lose 2 lbs a week at 5'9", 196 lbs my  caloric intake should only be 1,747 a day.and a goal of 1.5 lb a week=  1997 cal a day. and 1 lb a week = 2247 cal. so long as I do not go over 2247. I am still on the loosing weight level. but I always start targetting the higher goal of loosing 2 lbs a week. therefore I only have 57 6 calories from now till sleepy time.

so far here are the food I have consumed:

2 cups coffee

Lunch 400 calories
2.5   Cups of "tuscan style chicken with whitebean soup"= 120 CAL/CUP
1 oro wheat sandwich thins wheat 100 cal

Afternoon Snack

2 hard boile eggs- 140 cal
3 pairs orowheat mini whole wheat bread 150
1.25 mayonnaise= 125 cal
jalapeno slices-
 ( made mini hardboiled s/w's)

1 peach fruit- 66 cal

4 gummy worms = 130 cal
2 peach rings 60 cal


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