It can be done..

I gained 15 lbs after a 50-60 pounds weight lost. I am starting this blog to share with everyone how I managed to loose the 60 and how I intend to loose the 18 -I regained . This blog chronicles my journey , failures and successes to a healthier me.

Please consult a Doctor/Physician before undertaking any weight reduction regimen or diet.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Having been on a  vegetarian diet for 3 weeks now has made me realize how one can easily adapt to this change. Like I said before, I had originally intended to do this for 1 month but now that I am going on my 4th week I am feeling that I might extend it another week, then maybe another week and another week, I don't want to make a definite decision on this one, I feel like I still have an option, What I would say is "I would hold out on consuming "dead animal's muscles and fat as long as I could"  I even hold out on being "pescatarian" and limit my eggs and cheese consumption. Whenever I would , It'll have to come from an organic and free range farm"

It's not hard as I had imagined it to be. Thanks to my grandmother, Jovita Cenizal, who I feel was the original Martha Stewart since she raised us on organically grown fruits and vegetables, some of which came from her vast veg and fruit filled backyard, Tamarind, Mango, Bananas, Chico, Santol,  Star apple, Coconut /Macapuno, Guyabano, Balingbing, Papaya, Jack fruit,  Atis, Guava to name a few.

Practically very new to this diet,  I have a friend, Davida, who has been on a Lacto - Ovo vegetarain and an occasional "pescatarian" for 30 some years,  guiding me through my vegetarian adventure. In addition, or course, I have the internet for some of my research. I read two, three or more articles on a topic then I compare to see what is credible as opposed to just some commercially driven website marketing their wares.  It's amazing how we take these information for granted and go about our daily lives passing by Fast Food's "Drive through" lanes consuming heavily processed food and "super sized" sugary drinks

Not judging here!!! I know how it can be very convenient some times but allow me to share this mini story. When I was in LA in the early 80's, working at the Jewelry Center Building on Hill and 6th street. I didn't have time to make breakfast so I fed myself egg/sausage mc muffin, (Mc Do..was literally 15 steps away from my bus stop) for breakfast at leas 4 -5 days a week. total 2 weeks more or less - I  Gained 10 lbs just like that.. !!!

Anyway, I wanted to feature a vegetable I enjoy eating that makes this new way of eating healthy more enjoyable. I call it "vege with a purpose." I feel that knowing the benefits of what you are consuming can be very inspirational!!!

CELERY is one of the very common & effective plant which helps in curing various health disorders which are not easily curable. The green leaves, stem and the bulbous root of celery are all extremely rich & makes celery a very important medicinal plant. There are various health benefits derived from celery and its juice. The medical quality of celery was first described by the Greeks Discorides and Pliny.

It contains balanced minerals, vitamins & nutrients & its oil has strong smell due to concentrations of plant hormones. The presence of the essential oils makes celery special. They are also found in the seeds & can be added to the juice also. These oils have a specific effect on the regulation of the nervous system, and have a great calming influence. Celery is used for its strong stimulating and beneficial effect on a weak sexual system, but as is usual with plant therapies the normally active person does not have to fear an uncontrollable upsurge.

Calories In Celery: 1 cup or 100 gms of celery has only 14 calories. Plant therapy tends to make the system normal. That's why we should prefer the plant therapy to cure ourselves. Moreover these plants don't have side-effects like other therapies. They affect the immune system of body naturally.
  • The strong water removing powers of celery enable it to be used in the control of health problems such as arthritis, stone, liver problems and rheumatism.
  • A tablespoonful of honey in celery juice, sipped slowly, will very effectively reduce the appetite if taken before a meal, and makes a delightful drink. It will also help in reducing their weight.
  • You can take the same mixture as a nightcap; it will help you to relax into a soothing and restful sleep. So those who have a problem of sleeplessness must enjoy the sound sleep after having this yummy health drink.
  • Those who are suffering from stones in the gall bladder or the kidney must take the juice of celery. It has been found that those who drank juice do not found any formation of stones in bladders & kidney again. It seems likely that this effect is related to the anti-arthritic properties of the juice.
  • Celery calms the nerve because of the high calcium content & helps in controlling high blood pressure. Raw celery should be eaten to reduce high blood pressure.
  • Celery is used in aromatherapy and other traditional way of healing like Ayurveda. In Japan, rheumatic patients are sometimes put on a celery only diet.
  • Moreover you can eat a lot of celery without thinking twice because it has almost zero calories. You won't add any extra pounds after having such a yummy drink or raw celery.
  • The whole plant is gently stimulating & nourishing; it also acts as a digestive remedy and liver stimulant. A tincture can be used as a diuretic in hypertension and urinary disorders.
  • Celery roots, fruits (seeds), and aerial parts, are used as ethno medically to treat mild anxiety and agitation, loss of appetite, fatigue & cough.
All we know about the Celery is quite enough for a person to start using it but the exceptions are always there. Some people had allergy of Celery so they should avoid using it. Moreover there is a belief that celery is difficult for humans to digest. The oil and large doses of seeds should be avoided during pregnancy; they can act as a uterine stimulant. Still celery is valuable in diets for various reasons & we all must include it in our diet to take precautions & cure from various health disorders. Now I think you will also include Celery in your diet to avoid spending your wealth for regaining health.





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