It can be done..

I gained 15 lbs after a 50-60 pounds weight lost. I am starting this blog to share with everyone how I managed to loose the 60 and how I intend to loose the 18 -I regained . This blog chronicles my journey , failures and successes to a healthier me.

Please consult a Doctor/Physician before undertaking any weight reduction regimen or diet.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

5:2 Diet - Failures and Succeses /Portabello Mushroom "Burger"

In every endeavor,  failures or set backs are part of the process. Learning from these set backs , and to come out of it with renewed focus and a clear understanding  of what we have done wrong, I feel ,  is the only way to handle it. Get back on that high horse and don't be too hard on yourself.  It's Okay, What's not okay is beating yourself up to frustration even depression that can lead to ultimately giving up altogether .

I have stopped posting for oh, a month or 2 simply because I have plateaued and had nothing to say nor did I have anything positive to share. I have kept up with my 5:2 diet fasting twice a week but was overeating on my feed days with sweets and simple carbs. Lesson to be learned: you CAN NOT  go  cray cray on your meals during feeds days. I did not loose any more weight but I knew I was at least maintaining ( kinder word for "plateau"). I was well aware that  I was doing something wrong all that time BUT was IGNORING and turning a blind eye to it. Good thing is I catch myself before really gaining back the pounds I did loose from when I was 240 lbs. Did you see my profile photo here? ;-)  So last week, I weighed myself.  Going into it I knew the numbers wouldn't be as big as I would have wanted. When they say the last 10-15 lbs are the hardest to loose they were not kidding. It's akin to a crazy obsessed, fatally attracted, rejected, dejected, delusional, drunk texting,  ex lover holding on who can't seem to let go, stubborn addict, addicted to sugar situation !! Hello? talk about not being too hard on self.  (I say that in jest Dahlin, in jest) HAHAHA   We can laugh it off. But there is truth to some of these.  Overeating is an emotional reaction. getting a temporary reprieve from a problem, obvious or not , consciously or sub consciously with the endorphin release that sugar and fat trigger is what we CRAVE for. Left uncheck it can lead to a never ending roller coaster ride of loosing and gaining. At least I think and believe that to be true for me. Anyway,  My FEED days became a free for all days. WRONG!! So bad.

The one good thing is I have maintained my weight at 185-187. still about 3 or 5 lbs lower than when I started. but not good enough as my initial intent was to go down to 170-5.

Like I said,  I became a Pescatarian after my lemon cleanse, August of 2012. That gave me a false sense of  having permission to indulge in simple carbs and sweets as rewards or compensation for not having meat. Again WRONG!!

Having stayed on a 5:2 diet seemingly got me into a maintenance mode despite my over indulgences during feed days. Those of you who would like to try this approach Please be aware that your "feed days should still be within your daily calorie allowance for your height, weight and how active you are. can help you track your progress and your calorie intake.

With renewed vigor and determination to reach my goal,  I shall once again try to maintain this blog with low cal recipe's I feel would help me reach me or anyone reach their weight lost goal!! YAY.

Here is one of  my fave:

Portabello Mushroom Sandwich.

Grill 1 medium Size Portabello Mushroom = 13 calorie IMAGINE!!! with
 1 TSP butter = 45 calorie.
I use a 100 calorie bun Orowheat 100 percent whole wheat thins.

Tomato slices onions and lettuce= approx from 5 to 10 calories
Onion slices 6- 10 calories
Arugula (rocket) negligible 1 cup = 6 calorie
1 TBSP Wasabi Mayo- YUMMM =- 100 cal

TOTAL approx 274 calories

                                             I mean c'mon this is sooo yummmm

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