It can be done..

I gained 15 lbs after a 50-60 pounds weight lost. I am starting this blog to share with everyone how I managed to loose the 60 and how I intend to loose the 18 -I regained . This blog chronicles my journey , failures and successes to a healthier me.

Please consult a Doctor/Physician before undertaking any weight reduction regimen or diet.

Monday, April 22, 2013


It's been 7 months since I did a Master lemon cleanse, that lasted 7 days of what is a 10 day recommended cleansing. After that week I have decided to not eat meat to include Pork, Beef and chicken. I guess you can say I am a pescatarian and a Lacto-ovo vegetarian since to I do consume eggs and dairy products.

I originally planned for a 1 month meat free diet then I challenged myself to another and another which brings us to the present. I tried to eat chicken last week and it wasn't a  pleasant experience.

Lately, while on a 5:2 diet,  I have been slightly careless with my salt and sugar intake so I though I would do a Lemon cleanse for  3 or 5 days just to give my kidney and liver a break and some good old makeover.

It's so funny I had to go back and copy the list from my Sept 7 post.

What you need:

1 set measuring spoons to just the tbsp and a tsp
Organic Maple Syrup
Organic Lemons
Organics Cayenne Pepper
Dieter's tea - decaffeinated
Sea Salt- (never iodized)
Purified water

2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 tbsp Maple syrup
1/10 tsp of Cayenne Pepper (or more to taste
8 oz of purified water

Lately I have been slightly careless with my salt and sugar intake so I though I would do a Lemon cleanse for  3 or 5 days jsu to give my kidney and liver a break.

So wish me luck!!

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